Division 24 Skate Store

Now then...

Division 24 Skate Store was founded in 2001 by brothers Wayne and Dave Miller. Opening doors within The Old Vicarage and originally operating under the name 'Boardriders', we have served as a skater-owned store since day one - stocking a variety of skateboard brands and catering to the needs of local snowboarders too. In 2005, we decided to solely focus on skateboarding as Wayne stepped into the role of full-time bossman and re-branded the shop as Division 24.

Our list of brands is vast and you can always find wide range of products from Anti-Hero, Bones, DC, Dickies, Emerica, HUF Worldwide, Independent Trucks, Krooked, Polar Skate Co, Quasi, Real, Spitfire, Stance, Thrasher Magazine, Thunder, Vans and many more. If you can't find what you're looking for listed on our website please contact us, via the number below, as we're always happy to try source the goods you require.

We've been dedicated to serving and supplying the Wakefield skate scene for nearly twenty years and continue to pursue our vision of doing everything a good local skateboard store should do; whether it's supporting events, sponsoring some of the city's finest talent, collaborating with local artists and helping get skateparks built.

To learn more about the history of the shop and Wakefield skateboarding scene, click here or the image below to read The Wakefield Eagle's interview with Division 24 Skate Store owner, Wayne Miller.


photo: Brendan Harrap


Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday: 10am - 5pm

Sunday: Closed

Bank Holidays: 11am - 4pm



Division 24 Skate Store

The Old Vicarage

24 Zetland Street





tel: 01924 381300



Social Media

Instagram: @division24skatestore

Facebook: /division24skatestore




Anti Hero Skateboards Dickies HUF Worldwide Independent Trucks Polar Skate Co Skateboard Cafe Spitfire Wheels Thrasher Magazine Vans