Jump on the panda patrol with an assortment of enjoi Skateboards hardgoods and apparel at Division 24 Skate Store.
Founded in 2000 by Marc Johnson and Rodney Mullen under Dwindle Distrubition, enjoi Skateboards is somewhat of a successor to the A-Team who both riders previously rode for. Taking their A-Team co-horts Jerry Hsu and Louie Barletta with them, enjoi has constantly provided a light hearted and tongue in cheek caricature of both a skateboarding brand and the industry itself.
Over nearly two decades, their substantially less than serious demeanour has been reinforced through their simple Helvetica logo, bright colour schemes (mainly orange and blue) and panda logo. The leading critter was penned by Marc Johnson himself, who took on the role of both brand manager and art director in enjoi’s infancy alongside being one of the company’s leading professional skateboarders. However, as the responsibilities weighed heavy on Johnson, he which to resigned himself to strictly being a pro skateboarder and parted ways with the brand in 2003 for Chocolate Skateboards with fellow co-founder Rodney Mullen leaving to launch Almost Skateboards, also under the Dwindle Distribution house, the following year.
Due to this switch up, many of the duties previously held by Johnson and Mullen, fell on the bowl-cutted head of Louie Barletta. With his constant smile, goofy yet creative demeanour and humorous abundance of self awareness, it’s hard to imagine anyone else could have personified the brand better than Sweet Lou.
In 2006, enjoi made their big screen debut with ‘Bag of Suck’ featuring Louie, Jason Adams, Jose Rojo, Clark Hassler and a powerful double-song ender from Jerry Hsu. Their following video, ‘Tweak the Beef’ was released in 2012 and coinciding with the addition of the UK’s own Ben Reamers to the squad who has gone on to have an abundant output and career stateside – eventually claiming the honour of being one of the few UK skateboarders to have a pro board on an American company in 2014. enjoi Skateboards’ third production, ‘Oververt’ was released the same year with a soundtrack predominantly filled to the brim with 80’s and early 90s pop bangers befitting enjoi’s enduring amusing ethos.
One of enjoi’s most notable aspects is their complete lack of skateboarding in their adverts (with the exception of a couple of obvious non-makes for comedy value. The consistency and dedication to mocking common skateboarding clichés has only complimented the brand’s light hearted image and we recommend giving Transworld’s ’15 years of enjoi Skateboards’ retrospective and advert archive a browse if you fancy a good chuckle.